• 概述



劳伦斯·菲什伯恩等主演的《塔斯克基飞行员》是一部动作片。Historical drama about the first Africa-American pilots in the US military. In 1942, a group of college graduates are selected for training as pilots in Army Air Corps at the Tuskegee training base. In what is billed by everyone as an "experiment", the men face not only the institutionalized prejudice of their white officers but that generally found in the US South at the time. There are clearly those who would like to see this fail, including the Major in charge of training and a US Senator. Even when they distinguish themselves in North Africa, there is an attempt to disband them. In the end, they served their country with distinction and bravery, flying missions in Europe include providing bomber escort for the bombing of Berlin



332nd fighter group,45年3月因护航第15航空队轰炸柏林任务而获得DUC,影片中出现的大队长Col.Benjamin Davis为真实人物(其父是美国陆军第一位黑人将军,本人是美国空军第一位黑人将军),俯冲攻击列车、“德国驱逐舰”和空战镜头都剪自真实的combat footage

战争里没有赢家,只有和流星一样脆弱的生命 ..