• 概述


道格拉斯·范朋克 Snitz Edwards 黄柳霜等主演的《月宫宝盒》是一部爱情片。  Douglas Fairbanks spared no expense for what may be the most lavish fantasy movie ever made. Inspired by the flying-carpet effects of Fritz Lang's somber but spectacular Der Müde Tod, Fairbanks (ever the canny businessman) bought the American rights, then hid the film away as he created his own show-stopping adventure, an adaptation of A Thousand and One Nights in which the magic-carpet ride was but one of many fantastic marvels. Swaggering through massive marketplace sets and cavernous throne rooms as an incorrigible thief and pickpocket, he scales towering walls (with the help of a magic rope) and leads a merry chase through crowded bazaars in his pursuit of loot--until he falls in love with the beautiful princess and vows to win her heart. This jaunty opening is but mere preamble to the spectacular second act. As three kings scour the globe to retrieve the rarest treasures known to man, the repentant thief embarks on an odyssey through caverns of fire and underwater caves. The marvelous special effects--from the smoke-belching dragon and underwater spider to the flying horse and magic armies arising from the dust--may show their seams but glow with a timeless sense of wonder. William Cameron Menzies's magnificent sets appear to have leapt from the pages of a storybook. As the adventure concludes in a torrent of movie magic that cascades nonstop through the breathless final hour, Fairbanks commands the screen with a hearty laugh and graceful athleticism, the cinema's first action hero triumphant. Kino's restored edition is tinted and features an organ score by Gaylord Carter. --Sean Axmaker



  To win the hand of the caliph of Bagdad’s daughter (played by Julanne Johnston) a thief (Fairbanks) embarks on a dangerous and mystical journey to secure the most desirable treasure imaginable.   The film was a popular success and Fairbanks made women swoon as one of the screen’s first superstars. Known for his dashing demeanour and incredible stunts Fairbanks who would also ...


被特效摄影剧本音乐震惊到失语而无法对yellow peril/orientalist的部分进行理智评论。哪怕前有诸如Cabiria和Intolerance的epic作,这片子也是精彩到能开创新流派的存在。从此以后贵“西方”拍“东方奇幻大片”都有了模版,要超越这个程度的美妙凝视确实好难。以及Sojin和黄柳霜那条反派线(虽然完全在module一些stereotype)好喜欢,机智聪明slave gi...
