• 概述



    琳德西·冯塞卡 金妮弗·古德温 派翠西娅·克拉克森等主演的《》是一部剧情片。The groundbreaking original movie “Five” is an anthology of five short films exploring the impact of breast cancer on people’s lives. “Five” highlights the shared experience each short film’s title character endures from the moment of diagnosis, through an interconnected story arc that uses humor and drama to focus on the effect breast cancer and its different stages of diagnosis have on relationships and the way women perceive themselves while searching for strength, comfort, medical breakthroughs and, ultimately, a cure.
    From executive producers Jennifer Aniston, Kristin Hahn (“The Departed,” “The Switch”), Kevin Chinoy (“Greg the Bunny,” “Warren the Ape”), Francesca Silvestri (“Greg the Bunny,” “Warren the Ape”), Marta Kauffman (“Friends”) and Paula Wagner (“The Last Samurai,” “Mission: Impossible”).


    原来就是个粉红丝带宣传片。水平实在很参差。Pearl那段导得很成熟啊。Jennifer Aniston那段如果没有Patricia Clarkson压阵就太轻飘飘了。


    总体还凑合,毕竟不是专业的导演,而且都是小故事也比较的地难以发挥,喜欢 Patricia Clarkson 那一段,觉得她一直演的都不错 看得我感动。


      The groundbreaking original movie “Five” is an anthology of five short films exploring the impact of breast cancer on people’s lives. “Five” highlights the shared experience each short film’s title character endures from the moment of diagnosis through an interconnected story arc that uses humor and drama to focus on the effect breast cancer and its different stages of diagnos...