• 概述



    约翰·赫特 克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Daniel Benzali 詹姆斯·福克纳等主演的《两情世界》是一部恐怖片。Bobby Platt is a mentally slow young man who escapes an abusive, hateful stepfather who has killed his pets one by one. To save himself, Bobby runs away and meets a strange old man who wanders the highways to bury roadkill animals. Bobby becomes the old man's apprentice and learns to see the world of nature in a strange idyllic way. But soon the shadow of his stepfather catches up to him and Bobby's world explodes into a grotesque nightmare.



    all the little animals cant be killed for they are just the Mockingbirds while the humanbeing can be killed sometimes for the guilt they have taken、苏格兰风笛的配乐非常棒

    故事很简单,对于我这种animal lover来说,却很沉重】死光头真的是无论在哪都讨厌!搞到我老是想到Lex!Bale在电影开头半小时断断续续地都在特别委屈的哭……像只没人要的小狗一样……搞到我都有种母爱泛滥心都化了的感觉……第一次看到他不强势……而撅着个委屈的小嘴……或傻笑…

      Bobby Platt is a mentally slow young man who escapes an abusive hateful stepfather who has killed his pets one by one. To save himself Bobby runs away and meets a strange old man who wanders the highways to bury roadkill animals. Bobby becomes the old man's apprentice and learns to see the world of nature in a strange idyllic way. But soon the shadow of his stepfather catches...

    (无字幕看完)其实没有恶棍继父的戏码,光这音乐、这人、这景色、这主题就是部佳作。Bale加一星,真想不到1年后这个纯良少年就成了American pyscho