• 概述
解码数学 第一季
  • 解码数学 第一季

  • 演员:Marcus du Sautoy
  • 类型:欧美剧
  • 地区:英国
  • 上映:2011年
  • 状态:完结   更新时间:2015-02-13

《解码数学 第一季》剧情介绍

Marcus du Sautoy等主演的《解码数学 第一季》是一部欧美剧。”The Code” follows Professor Marcus Du Sautoy, who goes in the search for a mysterious code or set of numbers and shapes that govern how the world is run. Sautoy says that there are signs and numbers everywhere and his plan is to reveal the numbers and shapes that explain everything. In a three-part series, he looks at prime numbers and how they can explain the 13-year life cycle of the periodic cicada and how simple number ratios create cathedrals that are mirrored God's creation. By exploring the numbers, Sautoy also looks at how the radar that is used by air traffic controllers is of how a number doesn't exist and how the structure of the nautilus shell and how Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation is explained.
Each week, Sautoy reveals that numbers and patterns dominate our natural and physical world. He takes the viewers along fro the ride and tells them where they can unlock TV and online clues so that they can help track down a unique mathematical prize hidden somewhere in the UK as well.
Solve The Code and find a real-life treasure!
The Code is a three-part TV series about maths in the world around us, presented by Marcus du Sautoy. Why do bees make hexagonal honeycomb? Who is in charge of the flight of a flock of swallows? How can dozens of wrong answers make a correct one? Join Marcus on an exciting journey to discover The Code!
That’s not all, because The Code is also a treasure hunt! We’ve hidden clues in each episode of the show as well as in a series of online games and on our blog - find them all to solve the mysteries of The Code and gain your chance at winning a valuable prize hidden somewhere in the UK!
How does the treasure hunt work?
There are three parts to the treasure hunt: The Codebreakers, The Ultimate Challenge and the Finale.
There is one Codebreaker for each episode, which you'll use to keep track of the clues associated with that episode. When you spot a clue from the TV show or in one of the flash games, or by solving a puzzle on the blog or completing a community challenge milestone, you can enter it into the Codebreaker for that week.
Each Codebreaker will give you a password every time you change one of the clues. Once you have entered all six clues, you should write down the password you receive. After you've completed all three Codebreakers, you'll have three passwords. These will let you unlock the Ultimate Challenge!
The Ultimate Challenge will be made available after the third episode has been broadcast. Using your three Codebreaker passwords, you can unlock it and work on getting closer to that prize! If you're one of the first three eligible people to crack the Ultimate Challenge, you'll be invited to the Finale, after which one talented and lucky player will find themselves taking home a piece of unique and valuable treasure!
The Finale will take place somewhere in the UK on the weekend of the 10th of September. If you wish to take part in the Finale, you must be available at this time.

《解码数学 第一季》精彩影评



  我们一直在探寻人类最古老的一个疑问:为什么世界是这个样子的?从宏伟的大教堂到北美的周期蝉,从多佛比目鱼到蜿蜒的海岸线,从海洋深处的鹦鹉螺,到美妙的音乐,从繁忙的机场,到浩瀚的星空,正是他们,一起构成了密码世界—— 一个充满了数字的抽象的世界,一个可以把我们的世界最细致地描述出来的领域。这些数字密码给与我们对于宇宙的无以伦比的理解力,它和自然世界的交织,不仅仅是密码存在的有力证据,而且表明了数字间有着令人迷惑的奇妙的联系。只有通过这些密码我们才能了解掌控着整个宇宙的法则,从而揭开这个世界的真相。   数学规律、几何定律,影响了生物的繁衍,影响了星体的运行,支撑着教堂的穹顶 这是一个神奇而迷人的世界,它与我们真实生活的世界大不相同,然而它给予我们无穷无尽的理解力,拂去表面的浮云,剩下的只有终极密码……   生命的历程是求真、求善、求美的过程。数学为什么吸引我们?...

