• 概述


Neville Archambault Sarah Baldwin 肖恩·卡里甘等主演的《恶房东》是一部恐怖片。恶房东

克莱尔和瑞安,一对新婚夫妇,搬到一所新房子在全国各地,只是为了发现他们的婚姻问题是他们的问题的最少。 他们不知道,他们的严峻和淫荡的房东一直在从第一天窥探他们。

  Claire and Ryan, a newlywed couple, move into a new house across the country, only to find out that their marital issues are the least of their problems. Unbeknownst to them, Their grim and lascivious landlord has been spying on them from day one.