• 概述


Roberta Sparta Aaron Stielstra Marius Bizau Ally McClelland 迈克尔·西格尔 Désirée Giorgetti Chiara Paoli David White Claudio Camilli等主演的《死亡之怒》是一部恐怖片。

在一个被病毒蹂躏的世界,人们变成食人族| 一个孕妇(爱丽丝)设法生存。 Alice | 在另外两人的公司| 努力达到
一个没有被瘟疫侵袭的岛屿。 同时| 一个危险的人在一个神秘的女孩的足迹| 这使得爱丽丝意识到僵尸不是她最大和唯一的威胁。

  In a world ravaged by a virus that turns people into cannibals| a pregnant woman (Alice) manages to survive. Alice| in the company of two other men| strives to reach

an island untouched by the plague. Meanwhile| a dangerous individual is on the trail of a mysterious girl| which causes Alice to realize that the Zombies are not her

biggest and only threat.


