• 概述


Daniel Ewing 蒂姆·波考克 Jessica Green Sophie Don Ben Chisholm Felix Williamson John Reynolds Yutaka Izumihara Emily Joy Philippe Deseck James Straiton Bruce R. Carter Gregory J. Fryer Selina Kadell Col Elliott等主演的《红色死河》是一部动作片。红色死河

在澳大利亚内陆地区,两个兄弟发现了旧的秘密和家庭谎言。 当他们的朋友开始失踪,他们害怕他们正在被某人或某事从他们最糟糕的噩梦缠扰 - 但只是 - 一个故事? 传说? 骗局? 还是真的?

  In the Australian Outback, two brothers discover old secrets and family lies. As their friends start to go missing they fear they are being stalked by someone or something from their worst nightmares - But is it just - A story? A legend? A hoax? Or is it real?
