• 概述
纽约屁民 第二季

《纽约屁民 第二季》剧情介绍

Phil Matarese Mike Luciano等主演的《纽约屁民 第二季》是一部欧美剧。纽约屁民 第二季

创建由菲尔Matarese和麦克卢卡诺和由Duplass兄弟电视,动物生产。 关注地球上最不适宜居住环境的被压抑的生物:纽约市。 无论是害怕的老鼠,性别质疑的鸽子或在中年危机中老化臭虫,尴尬的小说话,道德歧义和非人类城市居民的存在性的困扰证明惊人地类似于我们自己。

  Created by Phil Matarese and Mike Luciano and produced by Duplass Brothers Television, Animals. focuses on the downtrodden creatures native to Earth’s least-habitable environment: New York City. Whether it’s lovelorn rats, gender-questioning pigeons or aging bedbugs in the midst of a midlife crisis, the awkward small talk, moral ambiguity and existential woes of non-human urbanites prove startlingly similar to our own.