• 概述


김광석 이상호 박학기 한동준等主演的《金光石》是一部剧情片。金光石

“Kim Kwangseok”是一个非常著名的民谣摇滚歌手在韩国。众所周知他在1996自杀了。关于他的死还有许多理论,但没有一个是明确的。这是一部探索他生活和音乐中不能遗漏的真理的纪录片。

  ‘Kim Kwangseok’ is a very well known folk rock singer in South Korea. He is known to have committed suicide in 1996. There are still many theories concerning his death, but not one of them is definitive. This is a documentary that explores the truth that must not be left out of his life and music.