• 概述
  • 徒手攀岩

  • 演员:Alex Honnold
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:美国
  • 上映:2018年
  • 状态:高清版   更新时间:2023-11-16



Alex Honnold等主演的《徒手攀岩》是一部纪录片。  From award-winning documentary filmmaker E. Chai Vasarhelyi (“MERU”) and world-renowned photographer and mountaineer Jimmy Chin comes National Geographic Documentary Film’s FREE SOLO, a stunning, intimate and unflinching portrait of the free soloist climber Alex Honnold, as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the face of the world’s most famous rock...the 3,000ft El Capitan in Yosemite National Park…without a rope. Celebrated as one of the greatest athletic feats of any kind, Honnold’s climb set the ultimate standard: perfection or death. Succeeding in this challenge, Honnold enters his story in the annals of human achievement. FREE SOLO is both an edge-of-your seat thriller and an inspiring portrait of an athlete who exceeded our current understanding of human physical and mental potential. The result is a triumph of the human spirit.


到底是拍过其他攀岩题材的纪录片导演,真是好专业好厉害,前面铺垫了训练和周围人的反应之后看Alex最后真的爬El Capita真是惊心动魄。作为观众都分分钟要吓哭,登顶的时候又被感动哭。虽然作为一个非常怕死的人怎么也理解不了这种perfection or death的极限运动带来的super stimulation 但是人类不断在各个领域push boundaries的极致追求也还是共通的,只是选...

  From award-winning documentary filmmaker E. Chai Vasarhelyi (“MERU”) and world-renowned photographer and mountaineer Jimmy Chin comes National Geographic Documentary Film’s FREE SOLO a stunning intimate and unflinching portrait of the free soloist climber Alex Honnold as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the face of the world’s most famous rock...the 3000f...

和三周前上映的黎明墙(The Dawn Wall)完全相同的看点,徒手攀岩也是够极限了,El Capitan上有很多的线路,比起前辈Tommy Caldwell这一步更有看点的是Alex是完全没有辅助的去挑战,但比黎明墙,本片中穿插了太多的导演拍摄的干预,而非完全专注于攀岩本身(换个说法是,Akex本身的故事性有限),虽然这一部使用了更高清的拍摄,有更壮丽的景色,但对于攀岩运动的展现上还是太少,不...


也许我们通过影像与alex和他的朋友共同经历了一场前所未有动魄惊心的冒险,然而其中真正的伟大是我们不可想像的!无法描述观看时内心的紧张,手心疯狂冒汗。看到他成功通过boulder problem后对着镜头露出了孩子般的微笑,我却如释重负的眼眶湿润了。对他来说climbing是何等纯粹的信仰呀!非常非常有趣的性格,执着冒险耿直简单,非常直接,老是被他说的话逗笑。