• 概述
  • 大男孩清醒路

  • 演员:未录入
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区:美国
  • 上映:2018年
  • 状态:高清版   更新时间:2019-06-04


由未录入等主演的《大男孩清醒路》是一部纪录片。  In the heart of America's opioid epidemic, four men attempt to reinvent their lives and reenter society sober after years of drug abuse. Recovery Boys, from Academy Award nominated director Elaine McMillion Sheldon (Heroin(e)), is an intimate look at the strength, brotherhood, and courage that it takes to overcome addiction and lays bare the internal conflict of recovery and the external hurdles of an unforgiving society.



  In the heart of America's opioid epidemic four men attempt to reinvent their lives and reenter society sober after years of drug abuse. Recovery Boys from Academy Award nominated director Elaine McMillion Sheldon (Heroin(e)) is an intimate look at the strength brotherhood and courage that it takes to overcome addiction and lays bare the internal conflict of recovery and th...

近距离拍摄,很真实,导演相当放手任由素材发散。我很好奇难道除了Jacobs Ladder和Jeff后来进的法律系统以外就没有其他社会组织和他们接触了吗?Jeff的人生完全演示了一个普通人是如何一步步边缘化的

全世界脑瘫何其多,尿屎已经够臭,竟然还愚蠢到把比尿屎更脏臭菸、毒品往嘴里送,堂堂五六尺人类却被寸菸给打败,菸草等同毒品,可笑全球禁毒不禁菸,可耻超级污秽大白痴………… 希冀菸在世界上销声匿迹!!

ryan 的转变很惊喜。但这部总体还挺片面的。jacobs ladder 真的像私人小旅馆一样,让我去 airbnb 我也愿意住的……