• 概述



Rob Stewart Will Allen Brock Cahill等主演的《鲨鱼海洋:灭绝》是一部纪录片。  Discovering that sharks are being hunted to extinction, and with them the destruction of our life support system - activist and filmmaker Rob Stewart embarks on a dangerous quest to stop the slaughter. Following the sharks - and the money - into the elusive pirate fishing industry, Stewart uncovers a multi-billion dollar scandal that makes us all accomplices in the greatest wildlife massacre ever known.


  Discovering that sharks are being hunted to extinction and with them the destruction of our life support system - activist and filmmaker Rob Stewart embarks on a dangerous quest to stop the slaughter. Following the sharks - and the money - into the elusive pirate fishing industry Stewart uncovers a multi-billion dollar scandal that makes us all accomplices in the greatest wil...

影院一公映就看了,是 Sharkwater 的续篇。Rob 还执导了一部片子 Revolution ,不要错过。

4星... 可惜他就这样走掉了

VIFF今年的special presentation,很喜欢。很佩服Rob的团队和父母在他离开之后以及继续完成这个项目。R.I.P Rob - you have made a better world and we will continuously make this world even better.

前半段是触目惊心的再次对鲨鱼保护十年无所进展的记录,因为导演Rob Stewart中途意外去世的原因,在最后的十几分钟的纪念有些让人情绪更为消沉,为之扼腕,鲨鱼保护,和这部电影,都是他“未完成的工作”