• 概述
  • 驻颜有术

  • 演员:Cherry Healey
  • 类型:剧情片
  • 地区:英国
  • 上映:2018年
  • 状态:高清版   更新时间:2021-04-19


Cherry Healey等主演的《驻颜有术》是一部剧情片。

在英国,每年在美容产品上的花费超过90亿英镑,这些产品有望改善和改变我们。 但是这些产品所承诺的有多少是基于科学证据,而仅仅是市场操纵有多少呢?
Cherry Healey与独立科学家合作,以前所未有的方式对日常化妆品进行测试。 在谢菲尔德大学进行的一项开创性研究中,在25名志愿者的帮助下,她发现保湿霜可能没有人们认为的好处。

  In the UK over £9 billion a year are spent on beauty products that promise to improve and transform us. But how much of what these products promise is based in scientific evidence, and how much is simply marketing manipulation?

  Cherry Healey teams up with independent scientists to put everyday cosmetics to the test like never before. In a groundbreaking study carried out by the University of Sheffield, and with the help of 25 volunteers, she discovers that moisturisers might not have the benefits people think they do.



1.保湿霜在长期功效上不如我们期待的那样 2.防晒霜和VA可以使肌肤更年轻 3.所有的营销策略都是对人的心理和思维足够了解的基础上展开的。4.彩妆可以追求性价比。5学会看护肤品成分比单纯依据产品承诺和价格做出判断要靠谱。总结:人们总是执着于提高自己的外在形象,好性格和善良品质可以增加魅力。

  In the UK over £9 billion a year are spent on beauty products that promise to improve and transform us. But how much of what these products promise is based in scientific evidence and how much is simply marketing manipulation?   Cherry Healey teams up with independent scientists to put everyday cosmetics to the test like never before. In a groundbreaking study carried out by the...

每年花大把的钱却搞不清楚买的产品~~我一直在努力学习中,总体来说,就是贵的不一定好,防晒非常重要 ,还有就是维生素A可以抗衰老

“I would love to live in a world where it doesnt matter.”