• 概述


伊迪斯·伊万斯等主演的《私语者》是一部恐怖片。  The Whisperers stars Dame Edith Evans as a lonely old woman whose imagination is getting the better of her sanity. She insists that she hears whisperers plotting and planning against her at all times; she also believes that these imaginary entities are spying on her. So suspicious is Ms. Evans of her nonexistent whisperers that she fails to notice the very real predators around her. She is robbed of her life's savings by a nasty friend (Avis Brunnage), and is exploited by her estranged con-artist husband (Eric Portman) and her no-good son (Ronald Fraser) Even when she catches on to the duplicity of others, Ms. Evans is so far gone with her whisperers that the authorities refuse to believe her. Seedy and sordid though it may be, The Whisperers won Edith Evans the Best Actress award from the New York Critics' Circle.


谁取的译名?完全理解错误。Edith Evans的表现很强势。她就是电影的中心,所有事情基本就是围绕着她展开的,但片子本身质量甚为一般。这电影和字幕真难找


  The Whisperers stars Dame Edith Evans as a lonely old woman whose imagination is getting the better of her sanity. She insists that she hears whisperers plotting and planning against her at all times; she also believes that these imaginary entities are spying on her. So suspicious is Ms. Evans of her nonexistent whisperers that she fails to notice the very real predators arou...


Edith Evans不愧为整部影片的灵魂人物,在当年拿下所有前哨和柏林影后的情况下,却最终在奥斯卡奖上失利,对她来说确实有点不公!