• 概述


Jimmy McNichol Susan Tyrrell等主演的《夜间警告》是一部恐怖片。  Since the death of his parents fourteen years ago, Billy Lynch has been raised by his over-protective aunt Cheryl. But once he turns seventeen, he is soon set on planning his life...without her. He's planing on going on to college and is dating local girl Julie. None of which sits well for his aunt, who's lost everyone else in her life and now with her nephew ready to leave, ensures she starts on a campaign to keep him with her...forever.But as her plans misfire she becomes swept up in a cycle of psychosis and frenzied violence all being blamed on Billy by everyone else...including a homophobic detective, who's anti-gay prejudice is steadily reaching its zenith...leading to an unforeseeable outcome.


  Since the death of his parents fourteen years ago Billy Lynch has been raised by his over-protective aunt Cheryl. But once he turns seventeen he is soon set on planning his life...without her. He's planing on going on to college and is dating local girl Julie. None of which sits well for his aunt who's lost everyone else in her life and now with her nephew ready to leave en...


6.8,比较过瘾的slasher,Susan Tyrrell的crazy表演真不错

警长太愚蠢了 没意思
