• 概述


John Wayne Richard Attenborough Lesley-Anne Down Judy Geeson Mel Ferrer John Vernon等主演的《无所遁形》是一部动作片。  Jim Brannigan is sent to London to bring back an American mobster who is being held for extradition but when he arrives he has been kidnapped which was set up by his lawyer. Brannigan in his American Irish way brings American law to the people of Scotland Yard in order to recapture this mobster with both A price tag on his head and a stuffy old London cop to contend with.



伦敦希斯罗,负责接机的苏格兰场女警官向韦恩转述她父亲对美国佬的看法: 他们只有三个问题,overpaid oversexed and over here.