• 概述
  • 吉戎·阿非利加

  • 演员:Miguel Moreira
  • 类型:动作片
  • 地区:葡萄牙,巴西,佛得角
  • 上映:2018年
  • 状态:高清版   更新时间:2022-05-22


Miguel Moreira等主演的《吉戎·阿非利加》是一部动作片。  Miguel Moreira, also known as Tibars, also known as Djon África, learns that genetics can be cruel when his physiognomy - as well as some of his strong personality traits - denounce him, straightaway, as his father’s son; someone he has never known. This intriguing discovery leads him to try to find out who this man is. All he knows about him is what his grandmother, with whom he has always lived, has told him.


  Miguel Moreira also known as Tibars also known as Djon África learns that genetics can be cruel when his physiognomy - as well as some of his strong personality traits - denounce him straightaway as his father’s son; someone he has never known. This intriguing discovery leads him to try to find out who this man is. All he knows about him is what his grandmother with whom ...


#2018IFFR# Hivos Tiger竞赛。非洲逗逼小伙儿回……从未去过的老家佛得角寻亲的故事。带点流浪汉文学味道的公路片。直到遇到放羊老奶奶之前都挺好的,人物比较有意思,视听语言也有趣。后面就……了。还是能看出俩导演是以前搞纪录片的,这片本身就有点混搭……

post-Afro film,很新颖的后黑人电影,延续了优良的传统,包括超现实,响亮,爆发性和虎头蛇尾。

VIFF2018 旅游大片