• 概述


娜塔莉·伍德 埃利奥特·古尔德等主演的《两对鸳鸯》是一部喜剧片。  After the ultra sophisticated couple, Bob (a filmmaker) and wife, Carol attend a secluded therapy group (only to observe) they become modernized in their sexual thinking and behavior. Can Bob and Carol's new thinking rub off onto best friends, Ted and Alice? Documentary film-maker Bob Saunders and his wife Carol attend a group therapy session that serves as the backdrop for the opening scenes of the film. Returning to their Los Angeles home, the newly enlightened couple chastise their closest friends, Ted and Alice, for not coming to grips with their true feelings. Bob insists that everyone feel rather than intellectualize their emotions, and Carol pronounces that's beautiful after anyone says anything even remotely personal. Ted and Alice humor their friends, but it is obvious that there is a good-natured sexual tension at work within the foursome.



相当前卫了,剧本时有亮点,Elliot Gould太有魅力啦。

  After the ultra sophisticated couple Bob (a filmmaker) and wife Carol attend a secluded therapy group (only to observe) they become modernized in their sexual thinking and behavior. Can Bob and Carol's new thinking rub off onto best friends Ted and Alice?      Documentary film-maker Bob Saunders and his wife Carol attend a group therapy session that serves as the backdrop for ...


3.5/5 找不到字幕版的情況下完全用聽力看這部片,剛開始覺得很病態,以為是一部邪教片,但看到中間看到兩對夫妻對於情感的辯論以及價值觀的探討,才發覺這是一部性解放時期價值觀探討的倫理片,在那個年代來說這部算前衛,但兩位女主角也沒露點,所以嚴格來講還是有點保守,不過至少本片藉由2對佳人探討性與愛的區隔,劇本是相當大膽的,但說不上特別喜歡,總覺得結尾可以再更大膽些。