• 概述


Antonio Sabato Philippe Leroy Antonio Casagrande等主演的《米兰黑帮战争》是一部动作片。  Salvatore Toto Cangemi(Antonio Sabato) is a sicilian who has made it big in Milan as a crime boss, his area being prostitution. He is approached by a French crime boss know as Le Capitaine he wants to go into business with Toto using his hookers to sell his drugs, only problem is the French aren't giving Toto much of an option. He decides against it and this leads to a big gang war, with tit for tat killings and Toto's hooker being beaten and kidnapped. Toto's second in command Lino Carruzzi, proposes getting his American crime boss uncle Billy Barone involved, Toto has little option but to agree in order to save his business. Highly un pc film, that denigrates women all over the place, promotes racial stereotypes and its also homophobic, despite this its an entertaining ride, there's even time for Toto to have some liaisons with the mysterious Jasmine (….but underused Marisa Mell). The violence is as you'd expect with Lenzi quite violent with breast slashings galore and even some genital electrocution…nice! Carlo Rustichelli's jazzy score is nice but a little overused.


pimp vs drug dealer. Together we came to Milan. Together we must leave.

颇为黑色风格 各种出卖与背叛

西西里卖淫团伙大战法国贩毒团伙,两败俱伤给他人做嫁衣。Lenzi电影里总爱掺点恶趣味的东西,Philippe Leroy玩CD被Antonio Sabato Sr一伙人发现实在太好笑了。


  Salvatore Toto Cangemi(Antonio Sabato) is a sicilian who has made it big in Milan as a crime boss his area being prostitution. He is approached by a French crime boss know as Le Capitaine he wants to go into business with Toto using his hookers to sell his drugs only problem is the French aren't giving Toto much of an option. He decides against it and this leads to a big ...