• 概述


Charles Ruggles Lionel Atwill Gail Patrick等主演的《动物园凶杀案》是一部恐怖片。  Eric Gorman returns with his wife Evelyn from a trip to the Orient collecting zoo animals, having killed a member of his expedition who happened one day to kiss Mrs. Gorman. On board ship Evelyn meets Roger Hewitt, who falls in love with her. After delivering his animals to the zoo, Gorman plots a way to dispose of Hewitt using one of his latest specimens, then continues using the zoo's non-human residents to do his beastly work.


  Eric Gorman returns with his wife Evelyn from a trip to the Orient collecting zoo animals having killed a member of his expedition who happened one day to kiss Mrs. Gorman. On board ship Evelyn meets Roger Hewitt who falls in love with her. After delivering his animals to the zoo Gorman plots a way to dispose of Hewitt using one of his latest specimens then continues using ...

2018346 一星平庸


《名侦探柯南:动物园蛇毒连环杀人事件》 Pre-code时期犯罪片,尽管有些尺度,但价值观依旧是保守的“善恶有报”。由于杀人的都是动物,某种程度上可以算是最早期的Natural系恐怖片了吧?
