• 概述


拉姆·达斯 蒂莫西·利瑞 Andrew Weil等主演的《渴望知道》是一部纪录片。  Dying to Know is an intimate portrait celebrating two very complex controversial characters in an epic friendship that shaped a generation. In the early 1960s Harvard psychology professors Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert began probing the edges of consciousness through their experiments with psychedelics. Leary became the LSD guru, asking us to think for ourselves, igniting a global counter-cultural movement and landing in prison after Nixon called him 'the most dangerous man in America'. Alpert journeyed to the East becoming Ram Dass, a spiritual teacher for an entire generation who continues in his 80s teaching service through compassion. With interviews spanning 50 years the film invites us into the future encouraging us to ponder questions about life, drugs the biggest mystery of all: death.


分三次看完,每次半小时。“向死而知之”是我对片名的翻译。跟前两天看的由Leary熟人的儿子制作的比较走迷幻、享乐路线的“Learys Last Trip”相比,本片抽离一些,各有好处。不太满意本片的一些配图。印象最深的是Leary说的“ta的意识被甩转到许多不同层面的语言,不是英语或法语或拉丁语,而是化学语言,有数百万年历史的细胞的、神经系统的、知觉器官的化学语言”(26分05秒)。说实话,我觉...


Burners dont die ;)

  Dying to Know is an intimate portrait celebrating two very complex controversial characters in an epic friendship that shaped a generation. In the early 1960s Harvard psychology professors Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert began probing the edges of consciousness through their experiments with psychedelics. Leary became the LSD guru asking us to think for ourselves igniting a ...