• 概述
国家地理 - 寻找下一个地球
  • 国家地理 - 寻找下一个地球

  • 演员:未录入
  • 类型:欧美剧
  • 地区:美国
  • 上映:2011年
  • 状态:完结   更新时间:2015-02-11

《国家地理 - 寻找下一个地球》剧情介绍

由未录入等主演的《国家地理 - 寻找下一个地球》是一部欧美剧。Join astronomers in a race to find a planet that can sustain life. Amid all the space in the universe, is there another world like ours?
Astronomers studying a nearby star say they've found the first potentially habitable planet—likely a rocky place with an atmosphere, temperate regions, and crucially, liquid water, considered vital for life as we know it. Other extrasolar planets have been called Earthlike, but, astronomer Paul Butler assured, "this is really the first Goldilocks planet"—not too hot, not too cold.