• 概述


霍华德·鲍尔温 Viktor Tikhonov Steven Warshaw等主演的《红企鹅》是一部纪录片。  (IMDB)Red Penguins tells a story of capitalism and opportunism run amok - complete with gangsters, strippers and live bears serving beer on a hockey rink in Moscow. Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Pittsburgh Penguins and the famed Red Army hockey team formed a joint-venture that showed anything was possible in the new Russia. Eccentric marketing whiz, Steve Warshaw, is sent to Russia and tasked to transform team into the greatest show in Moscow. He takes the viewer on a bizarre journey highlighting a pivotal moment in U.S. Russian relations in a lawless era when oligarchs made their fortunes and multiple murders went unsolved.


  (IMDB)Red Penguins tells a story of capitalism and opportunism run amok - complete with gangsters strippers and live bears serving beer on a hockey rink in Moscow. Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union the Pittsburgh Penguins and the famed Red Army hockey team formed a joint-venture that showed anything was possible in the new Russia. Eccentric marketing whiz Steve ...


太有意思太有意思太有意思了!毛国人就是干!trade两百刀卫衣for sexual favor(。柴柴可以.jpg 看到最后觉得美国人挺惨,生意最后飞了还可能被下了毒(。不过,纪录片好看((

本站竟然没这部,红军冰球队导演的新纪录片,故事还是挺有意思的,这次是讲美国人去俄罗斯投资冰球队,电影开始前,导演自己先干了一杯,底下观众:不应该每人来一杯吗?这才是russian way啊!哈哈,提出的一点是毛子太讲控制权了,假如觉得美国资本凌驾于他们之上了,宁愿失败也不要共赢。
