• 概述


雅罗斯拉娃·奥伯迈耶罗娃 玛丽·纳德姆莱因斯卡 伊利亚·普拉哈等主演的《女巫之锤》是一部剧情片。  In a Czech town in the seventeenth century, an elderly woman enters a church to accept communion. Her true purpose is to collect the holy host for a midwife who needs it to treat an ailing dairy cow. The woman is caught and is forced to explain her sacrilegious actions. Religious and secular authorities agree that she is in league with witches and may even be a witch herself. This prompts an inquisition where confessions are obtained through threats and torture. A tribunal is held to provide a legal facade. Though the hunt is initially confined to the impoverished fringes of local society, the hysteria soon expands to the point that no one, not even leading citizens, is safe. The ultimate target is a clergyman, Deacon Lautner, who defies the righteous men of the tribunal. Based on actual trial records from the 1678 to 1695 period, this well made Czech film features excellent performances and strong production values. It is somewhat extreme by 1969 standards.


相比女巫题材的其他作品,比如Ken Russell的The Devils,此片惊人得清醒克制,庄严的进行曲和疯修士的驱魔念白是最风格化的部分,主体是直白的对话、庭审,让人在合乎逻辑的形式中步入肉体折磨和精神冤曲。衣衫褴褛的退休汉在钱权滋养下秒变执掌生杀的大法官,300多年后,这超凡的巫术还在不断重演。


  In a Czech town in the seventeenth century an elderly woman enters a church to accept communion. Her true purpose is to collect the holy host for a midwife who needs it to treat an ailing dairy cow. The woman is caught and is forced to explain her sacrilegious actions. Religious and secular authorities agree that she is in league with witches and may even be a witch herself. T...

