• 概述


朵乐丝·德里奥 金杰·罗杰斯 弗雷德·阿斯泰尔等主演的《飞到里约》是一部喜剧片。  Aviator and band leader Roger Bond is forever getting his group fired for flirting with the lady guests. When he falls for Brazilian beauty Belinha de Rezende it appears to be for real, even though she is already engaged. His Yankee Clippers band is hired to open the new Hotel Atlântico in Rio and Roger offers to fly Belinha part way home. After a mechanical breakdown and forced landing, Roger is confident and makes his move, but Belinha plays hard to get. She can't seem to decide between Roger and her fiance Júlio. When performing the airborne production number to mark the Hotel's opening, Júlio gets some intriguing ideas... Written by Gary Jackson <garyjack5@cogeco.ca>


fairy-tale musical与show musical的有趣组合,putting on a show等于restoring the kingdom,当然也等于creating the couple。舞曲中最令人难忘的当属Carioca,有Busby Berkeley的影响,注重造型,还有BB标志性的tracking shot,但富于拉丁风情。影片用了很多花哨的划,特别62‘的背景划颇为独特...


  Aviator and band leader Roger Bond is forever getting his group fired for flirting with the lady guests. When he falls for Brazilian beauty Belinha de Rezende it appears to be for real even though she is already engaged. His Yankee Clippers band is hired to open the new Hotel Atlântico in Rio and Roger offers to fly Belinha part way home. After a mechanical breakdown and force...

Dolores del Rio挺美 Gene Raymond的油腻帅很有年代感 泰爷和金姐是配角 那时候就秀了踢踏舞技和轻盈身姿 Carioca一曲最精彩 全体眼神和台词都颇为浮夸 神似肥皂剧起范儿 机翼上舞蹈表演的创意不错 但配上三零年代的三毛钱特效变喜感了!

虽然是配角,但出镜率也不低啊!cute couple雏形已现,来来去去还是罗杰斯的气质和Fred所表现的那种俏皮绅士最搭。Fred的卖萌能力从这里开始已然上天