• 概述


凯西·贝茨 约翰·迈克尔·辛吉斯 丹尼尔·洛巴克等主演的《电视大玩家》是一部喜剧片。  HBO movie about the behind-the-scenes network politics responsible for the changes in late-night talk-show hosts, after the retirement of Johnny Carson from the Tonight Show on NBC. Jay Leno and David Letterman were both vying for the position, but Leno's tough manager Helen Kushnick got him the spot. In the wake of her 'stepping on the toes' of powerful network executives and 'playing hardball' tactics with guest bookings, she found herself being pushed out of her job as Tonight Show Executive Producer and Jay's manager. Letterman, devastated by his being passed over, brought in superagent Mike Ovitz to negotiate on his behalf, resulting in his move to CBS.


leno大sb 这片这么少人看?

偶然的在第一剧场看到了HBO这部1996年拍的The Late Shift,讲的是#Jay Leno#接手NBC今夜秀的过程,还有#david letterman#去CBS的过程,喜欢美国电视秀的朋友可以看看~~@谷大白话



  HBO movie about the behind-the-scenes network politics responsible for the changes in late-night talk-show hosts after the retirement of Johnny Carson from the Tonight Show on NBC. Jay Leno and David Letterman were both vying for the position but Leno's tough manager Helen Kushnick got him the spot. In the wake of her 'stepping on the toes' of powerful network executives and ...