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Rose Hill

《Rose Hill》剧情介绍

詹妮弗·加纳 Jeffrey D. Sams Zak Orth Justin Chambers等主演的《Rose Hill》是一部剧情片。  Four orphan boys running from the law in New York stumble upon a baby in a carriage. They decide to head west and take the baby which they name Mary Rose with them. Eventually they set up a ranch which they name Rose Hill. Mary Rose grows up to be a beautiful woman and gets involved with a man who kills one of her brothers. Her brothers then explain to her that they found her in New York and she returns to find her real family. During this time Rose Hill is falling apart since her oldest brother has fallen ill and her other two brothers have gone their separate ways. Written by imnot_deadyet@

《Rose Hill》精彩影评


(古早蝙蝠嫂赏) well my hearts not as much here anymore. dzyn how could u be so beautiful

The movie that started my Julie Garwood love.

经典的美式乡村文学,拍的过于憨直但却没有西部的那种质感,只是套了个壳子,没看过Julie Garwood的小说但直观看电影也知道是不怎么样的翻拍,故事和像表达的东西都很俗套,但主要还是因为表达情感的部分太薄弱,铺垫的不够,不论是亲情还是爱情都显得有些赶鸭子上架并不自然,只是一个设定,这对于以情感细腻见长的剧本来说可能是致命的,也直接导致女主表演看起来不自然,导致有些地方看起来莫名其妙。
