• 概述


罗曼·波兰斯基 杰基·斯图尔特等主演的《赛车周末》是一部纪录片。  In 1971, Motor Racing fan and filmmaker Roman Polanski spent a weekend with world champion driver Jackie Stewart as he attempted to win the Monaco Grand Prix,offering an extraordinarily rare glimpse into the life of a gifted athlete at the height of his powers.Polanski was given intimate access to Stewart's world.


跟著波蘭斯基聽Flying Scot分析摩納哥賽道和F1的過去與現在,這組合太難得。影片後半四十年後兩人再次相聚的部分蠻有趣,但也讓主題有些跑偏到兄弟情誼和賽車安全性演變上去了...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3R9hl08O2A