• 概述



Vanni Marcoux 夏尔·迪兰 Yvonne Sergyl 罗穆德·朱比 阿尔芒·贝尔纳 埃内斯特·毛帕因 Fernand Mailly 加斯东·莫多 菲利普·埃里亚 雷蒙·贝尔纳 阿尔贝·普雷让 Robert Guilbert Pierre Denols Émilien Richard Halma Pierre Hot等主演的《狼群神迹》是一部剧情片。  King Louis XI tries to unify France by all means fair or foul, which does not please his powerful rival Charles the Bold. It is against this troubled backdrop that the loves of the daughter of a wealthy bourgeois and the king's god-daughter Jeanne Fouquet and knight Robert Cottereau unfurl in spite of all the obstacles in their way. One of these being a pack of hungry wolves trying to stop Jeanne from carrying out an important mission assigned to her by the king himself


一百年前的战争大片 最后的博韦保卫战尤其恢弘壮烈 场面之大 动用群演无数 英法百年战争后 法国被群狼环视 但没想到最后拯救法国的 恰恰是雪地里的群狼和弱不禁风的巾帼英雄 不过话说回来 路易十一真的不值得人们誓死保卫




  King Louis XI tries to unify France by all means fair or foul which does not please his powerful rival Charles the Bold. It is against this troubled backdrop that the loves of the daughter of a wealthy bourgeois and the king's god-daughter Jeanne Fouquet and knight Robert Cottereau unfurl in spite of all the obstacles in their way. One of these being a pack of hungry wolves tr...