• 概述
  • 恐怖叛徒

  • 演员:Mickey Rourke
  • 类型:动作片
  • 地区:英国
  • 上映:1987年
  • 状态:高清版   更新时间:2022-03-25


Mickey Rourke等主演的《恐怖叛徒》是一部动作片。  Martin Fallon is an IRA bomber who tries to blow up a troop truck but instead kills a bus load of school children. He loses heart and quits the movement and goes to London trying to leave the U.K. and start a new life. The IRA wants him back (he knows too much) and the local crime boss, Meehan, will only help him if he performs one last hit, on a rival crime boss. When Fallon does perform the hit, he is seen by a catholic priest. He refuses to kill an innocent again and must find a way to escape the police without killing the priest who can identify him.



好青葱的 Mickey Rourke!! 干嘛要整容成现在这个样子... Bob Hoskins 的角色都选得这么好...