• 概述
超级兽医 第一季
  • 超级兽医 第一季

  • 演员:未录入
  • 类型:欧美剧
  • 地区:英国
  • 上映:2014年
  • 状态:连载至1集   更新时间:2023-05-12

超清云播8[超级兽医 第一季](报错)

《超级兽医 第一季》剧情介绍

由未录入等主演的《超级兽医 第一季》是一部欧美剧。  Behind-the-scenes series following the staff at Fitzpatrick Referrals veterinary practice as they employ cutting edge technology to treat their sick and injured patients.
  The TV Show follows Noel Fitzpatrick and the team at Fitzpatrick Referrals over a year, sharing with the world the highs and lows of a working veterinary practice, and to explore the power of unconditional love between people and their animal family.
  Fixed rig cameras in the practice’s waiting room and behind the scenes at the practice capture the raw emotion, the drama, and the playfulness of Noel and his staff as they treat the pets in their care. Added to this are the amazing scenes in the operating theatre, and powerful interviews that candidly reveal the sentiment, pathos and humour of these stories.

《超级兽医 第一季》精彩影评


好棒 尽心尽力 医生大叔长得帅医术高情商高啊 当个明星也是分分钟的 就是感觉365天24小时都在医院里家人没意见么不用休息么。。


他每天睡在办公室旁边的小房间,挤出更多的时间救治动物,哪怕在已经连续手术十一个小时之后的凌晨时分面对濒死的狗狗挑战极限坚持逼自己手术,不过手术当然是成功了。 我也好想好想变成诺尔这样的人啊,为了别人的生命努力着,付出着。坚持自己所热爱的事业。

  Behind-the-scenes series following the staff at Fitzpatrick Referrals veterinary practice as they employ cutting edge technology to treat their sick and injured patients.   The TV Show follows Noel Fitzpatrick and the team at Fitzpatrick Referrals over a year sharing with the world the highs and lows of a working veterinary practice and to explore the power of unconditional lo...